Friday, November 12, 2010

Blast From the Past- My Freshman Schedule

Hi everyone! I thought, considering registration is a hot topic right now, I would reminisce on the classes I took last year to give you all a taste of what I've been though (questions are always welcome!). When registering for classes, I wanted to take a wide range of topics within the guidelines for my International Affairs major (since I had applied to the Elliott School) and wound up with the classes below for the fall. These classes all filled requirements for my International Affairs Major!

University Writing, Topic- Latin American Sensibility: This class is how I met fellow blogger Shireen! We had expected a certain teacher for the class, who proceeded not to show up for over a week, so we were then given a substitute for the whole semester. It actually worked out great because the substitute liked to organize the writing as a portfolio, with no real grading until the end of the semester which I enjoyed.

World History, 1500-Present: Not the best option if I had to pick a history class, but this gave a wide overview of some large historical trends and events way back when. Our class did not get past the 1800s, which frustrated me because I am more interested in history in the past 100 years.

Human Geography: This may be one of my favorite classes at GW, even though I took it my first semester. What you learn in this class is so valuable, as it is the study of people across the globe and their current issues. Maps are used to show trends. It is super interesting and take it with Benton-Short, she is a great teacher.

Intro to Microeconomics: The first of two economic classes required, this was easily my favorite of the two. It covers major economic principles, institutions, and problems in daily life at the consumer and producer level.

French 9 Culture and Society: While I wanted to take Spanish here at GW, I could not get into a class so I decided to continue with French to finish my language requirement. It was an easy class with current French topics.

Look out for my freshman spring schedule coming soon! I'm going to go cook some chili.. I've been in the mood for it. I've never made it before so let's hope it's a success! I'm following this recipe, except with ground turkey instead of beef. And speaking of cooking, I'll blog about that soon too!!

Questions? Want some chili? :)
- Marisa

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