Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Common App Personal Essay Ideas

The hardest part of senior year for me was writing my common app essay. I know that many of you are now facing the upcoming deadline of college applications, so I tried to take some general topic ideas and give you some good examples of interesting essays that I would like to read as admissions staff!

1. Talk about an achievement, a risk, a significant experience, or ethical dilemma you have faced and the impact it had on you.
Examples: Talk about a tie-breaking goal, the job you quit, going bungee jumping, .. be careful not to just talk about how great you are.

2. Discuss an issue of personal, local, national, or international concern and its importance to you.
Examples: your best friend's mother's cancer, United Nations and your experience with MUN, how your town no longer gets snow due to global weirding, .. remember to focus on why it's important to you!

3. Talk about a person who has had an influence on you.
Examples: your high school tutor, a camp counselor you always run into at the pool, how disliking your priest helped you discover your interest in another religious sect, .. don't forget that everyone talks about how Mom/Dad is a great role model.

4. Given your personal background, describe an experience that illustrates the diversity you bring to the college community.
Examples: your goth clothing, your serious interest in baseball, your 2% Italian heritage that helps you make a great pasta, .. you don't have to stick to ethnicity or religion!

Things to Avoid
1. Don't talk about drug use.. even if you overcame your issues. 
2. Your sex life.. this just gets awkward.
3. Your heroism- humility is way better than being cocky.
4. A religious or political lecture.
5. The travel journal- we don't want to read a summary.

Questions? Want me to proof read your essay or give you comments? Let me know! marisaw@gwmail.gwu.edu
- Marisa

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