Thursday, January 13, 2011

My first Liquidity Trap

Political economy nerds may get the title of this post. Otherwise, just ignore the title. (tl;dr This post is about swimming.)

First, an apology: I know my long, unexplained absence from the blog has been long, and unexplained. But fear not!

I decided to enroll in fitness swimming this semester. Anyone who knows me knows that I'm very much a landdlubber, but want to branch out. I saw the course open in registration last November, and I pounced.

I'm pretty terrible, but the class is fun and the instructor is helpful. I only finished the second 50-minute session today, but already feel like I'm improving--and so are the handful of other novices in the class. This is one of those things that's so great about exercise science courses here: they really bring students at a whole range of skill levels together in pursuits nobody would have expected.

The past controversy over GW's women-only swimming hour seems to have subsided, although to be honest I'm not really sure what happened with that. But that's a story for another post.

If you haven't already checked out the link shared by my fellow blogger, Christie, in her recent post, do so. It's great. The club Kendo practice schedule isn't the same as the official teams, but I still sympathize with having to explain on campus that there are such things as practice, to which those inclined go.

Questions? Comments? Send them my way at

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