Thursday, January 27, 2011

I Love Snow Cancellations

Staying with the theme of the snow, here is how the “snow” has affected my activities. Since my class scheduled for 4:45pm last night was already one that would be taking place online on Blackboard (he gives us an article or reading and we have to write a short paper or response to it and post it in the discussion section for our class on Blackboard), the fact that all classes after 4:30pm did not help me—I still have to do the assignment. Unfortunately, the snow did not interrupt the online component.

Then, thankfully, my volleyball practice and conditioning this morning from 7-9:30am was cancelled!!! I was so unbelievably happy because I got to sleep in until 9am which is heavenly since I normally wake up at 5:45am. Granted, we still have to do the conditioning on our own (30 treadmill challenge and max-out on push-ups until we fall on our faces and then email our coach the results), but that can be done at any point today, not forcing me to wake up long before the suns rises (which by the way is just plain cruel—every morning when I walk to the Smith center for practice, it is still pitch black outside, no trace of the sun).

Now, I just got an email from my 11:10am professor saying that class is cancelled for today. However, I am now seriously regretting staying up until 1:30am last night finishing the paper that is due today in that class, but I will never complain about a class being cancelled so I am letting it go. I am currently sitting in bed studying for a quiz that I have this afternoon, hoping and praying that I get another class cancellation email so I can stop studying. That would be wonderful.

*Edited to add: about 5 minutes after I posted this blog, I got an email canceling my quiz today. Now, just one more class to cancel before I am completely free for the day.


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