Sunday, January 23, 2011

Housing at GW Series

I have a pretty unique freshman perspective on housing here at GW as I have lived at both the Mount Vernon Campus (the Vern) and the Foggy Bottom Campus (Foggy) in my first year. I transferred down to Foggy from the Vern right after Thanksgiving break.  I lived in a double in Somers Hall on the Vern before and now live in a double in Mabel Thurston Hall on Foggy. I will explain my experience in both and then give more details as to why I moved.

Mount Vernon
Housing on the Vern is pretty much split into three areas: The new West Hall at the base of campus, Somers Hall on top of the hill, and the Hillside Commons. 

West has a living setup where 4 people have individual rooms with one common area that connects them all and they share one bathroom. In addition, the new dining hall and gym are located in this new facility along with dance studios and a blackbox theatre.

Somers Hall is your typical collegiate dorm. There are primarily double rooms (2 people living in one room) that are connected to another double by a bathroom y’all share. In addition, each floor has a glassed in common room most floors use to study in or chill in.

The Hillside Commons (Clark, Cole, Hensley, and Merriweather Halls) are much smaller, only housing about 25-30 students from the best of my recollection as the other two dorms house about 150 (Somers) and well over that 150 in West Hall.  These smaller dorms are really nice from all of my friends who live in them as they all develop a unique culture because they are in a small dorm and can get very close to one another.

I will continue to post on this talking about Foggy next and giving you my take on the campuses. If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail me or comment on this.

Peace, Love and Hippos


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