Monday, January 31, 2011

Quick Catch-Up

My SINCEREST apologies, GDub Blog, for my unexplained absence. It's already been a really chaotic semester! Let me catch you up on life here at GW.

Getting full swing into the semester, we're all starting to feel the pressure of the workload. I've written my first paper, handed in my first assignments, got my first grades back. But stepping back from the academics, GW Theatre has been alive and kicking the past few weeks! Two weekends ago, we had two phenomenal shows open - William Shakespeare's Comedy of Errors, a classic farse about separated twins and mixed identifies, and Dolly West's Kitchen, a drama set during WWII-America about the conflicts abroad coming into the home. In addition to the two phenomenal plays, receSs, the resident improv troupe here on campus, had their welcome back show that Friday night. In the community, we always say that when we have a jam-packed weekend like that, that it's a "great weekend for GW theatre." And that it certainly was.

This past week has been devoted to two things: rehearsing/auditions, and snow. With the opening and therefore closing of shows, there comes the rounds of auditions. The two companies whose shows went up two weekends ago held auditions this week for the new round of productions. But for me, I'm already part of Forbidden Planet Production's (one of the resident companies) 5th Annual Musical Cabaret, which is opening this coming weekend. It's a series of 11 individual numbers, with an over 70-person cast! So I've been spending my nights in rehearsals once again, like last semester, and I could not be happier to be back in the schedule of class-homework-rehearsals.

That being said, I'm sure you've heard of the snow incident we had this past week at GW. Living on the Mount Vernon campus, I had my own unique experience. We had a power outage go almost twenty four hours, that left 200,000 people in the DC area without power. But college students know how to handle stress, so we immediately banded together and began playing hide and seek in the basements here in West Hall. The next morning, the Vernites braved the shuttles to get down to Foggy Bottom, going to whatever classes weren't cancelled or, like me and my friends, holing up in Gelman to charge our electronics (a GW student cannot function without their trusty Blackberry/iPhone/Macbook). But don't worry, it was quickly restored; no harm done.

Now, this week, for me, is about Cabaret. It is hell week, so we have long hours of rehearsals down in the West Hall theatre on the Mount Vernon campus. I apologize for disappearing, followers, and I promise to check in more this week about the show, and of course blog about its opening!

Going to be around? Come check out the show!
Thursday, February 3rd @ 8 PM
Friday, February 4th @ 7 and 10
Saturday, February 5th @ 6:30 and 8

Only $5! Be sure to get here early - it looks like it'll be a full house. Or get your pre-sales outside the Marvin Center to assure yourself a seat.

Alright, enough shameless advertising. ;)

See you around campus,
Gina Michele

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