Friday, December 3, 2010

Freshman Recipe Book: Poached Eggs over Pita with Hummus

And now for the first page in my Freshman Recipe Book series!

This one's still a go-to for me.  It is SOO delicious, really quick and easy, and it really gets you through a significant part of the day with NO HUNGER.  Hell yeah for being protein-packed!

I can't decide if this is a hearty breakfast or a lunch/dinner option, but I've had it as all 3 and it's left me more than satisfied every time.  So decide for yourself!  If the combination sounds strange, know that my inspiration came from this great brunch I had at a restaurant, so I'm not the only one doing it!  It's a yummy rustic Mediterranean/Middle Eastern creation, so it's right up my alley--I'm Iranian and Italian!

Here's what you'll need:

1)  Hummus of your favorite variety (I like Sabra's roasted garlic, chipotle, and spinach and artichoke varieties)
2)  1-2 eggs, depending on how hungry you are!
3)  Pita or Naan
*note that Trader Joe's sells half-dozen cartons of eggs, so you don't worry about having to use 12 before they go bad.

Things you'll (probably) already have:  a microwaveable egg poacher or a mug, some water, salt & pepper to taste


Crack 1-2 eggs in a mug or egg poacher.  If you're using the poacher, follow it's own instructions.  If a mug, pour some water over the egg, enough to cover it with about one inch of water, and poke the yolk with a fork a few times, to prevent the egg from exploding.

NOTE: The egg could still explode in the microwave!  It's happened to me before, and it is VERY smelly and messy!  So exercise caution!  Make sure you use one of those plastic microwave plate-shields.  You should be anyway, they protect food from radiation.

What I usually do is put the egg on for 60 seconds, then check it, then add another 20 or so, but the general rule is 80 seconds.  Not all microwaves are the same, though, so you may need to adjust your time so the egg is cooked just how you like it.

When the egg(s) is done, heat up your pita.  If it's frozen, I'd say about 40-45 seconds, otherwise no more than 20 is needed, really.  Spread your hot pita with the hummus, and scoop the eggs (drained of excess water) on top!  Season with salt and pepper to taste.

And that's all she wrote!  I hope you enjoy my recipe, and await the others to come!  Email me with your reviews:

<3 Shireen

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