Saturday, April 9, 2011

No Government Shutdown!

Wooooooooooooooooooo!  I'm so happy all the Cherry Blossom events are still happening and nothing's going to be out of whack in this town!  (Or at least, no more than it usually is...!  Haha.)  Plus, next week I'm having an interview/office visit for my job this summer, and it would have been pretty awful if that all got pushed back, it would have forced me to start the job later and everything would have been screwed up!

So today, I'm going to the Sakura Matsuri Festival at Federal Triangle.  I can't wait!  I'll let you know how it is and maybe share some pictures.  I went last year and it was a blast.  And the food was so good!

I won't get into the politics of it all aside from this parting thought: Thank GOD for Speaker Boehner--that noble white knight who rode in at the last minute to save the day... *cough cough sarcasm to the Nth degree*

Sorry I had to get that in there...

If you have questions, comments, or complaints about my blatant liberalism, let me know!

<3 Shireen

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