Thursday, February 10, 2011

The sheer beauty of naps

This post is devoted entirely to the beautiful and life-changing activity that has become a favorite of mine—taking naps. Now, in high school, I never took naps, never. I don’t think I took more than 10 naps total between the ages of 7 and 18. One of my best friends in high school took at least a 2 hours nap every day after school and I sometimes teased her about it, because I did not see the need for them. Now, however, I take back everything I have ever said to her. Naps are my best friend in college. Literally.
First semester last year, I began to take naps and I have loved them ever since. With waking up at 5:45am every morning followed by a full day of classes and homework, I need a nap and if I do not have time to take one, I am extremely disappointed. Second semester last year I did not have time for naps and it was awful. Every morning when I wake up, the first thing I do is try and decide when I can take a nap. Its sad but true. I am always exhausted and naps save my life. In fact, I am planning on taking a nap in a few minutes before I write a paper and study for a midterm I have tomorrow. I only wish I knew just how wonderful they are while I was in high school. My advice: if you are tired and have time for a nap, do it! I know I do.

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