If you are planning a visit sometime soon this is how you sign up...Follow this link to our visit calendar, choose the day you are planning on coming, choose the visit options you want to participate in, enter in your information and you are all set!!
You have a lot of options to choose from too! We generally offer two information sessions, two Foggy Bottom tours, and two Mt. Vernon Campus tours everyday, Monday thru Saturday. Rain or shine, hail or sleet, our tour guides will be decked out with the appropriate, weather-proof clothing to ensure the best tour possible!
During the information session an admissions director and a student explain academics, campus life, and the application process to the visitors. It is a great way to get a general overview of the university and ask any questions you may have!
So come and visit! We would love to have you! Even if you come on a day we aren't having a tour, download and print the Foggy Bottom Walking tour or the Mt. Vernon Walking tour.
Hope to see you all soon!
Don't forget to email me if you have any questions!
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