Monday, February 14, 2011

The Balancing Act

If you're a student at GW, most likely, that's not all you are. We're all a little bit Type-A here, so you're often sitting in class with someone who's also working an internship, or playing two sports, or working in Eckles. The greatest skill you can learn before going to and while at college is how to balance yourself. Because here, it's all a balancing act.

These days, I'm working the magic of having to be in several places at once. Cabaret has since closed after a phenomenal run. We sold out every show! Just when you think I'd be taking a hiatus from theatre, I'm back in a new production, this time Bat Boy: The Musical. What can I say? I can't keep myself separated from GW Theatre more than a week at a time, I suppose. So, I'm back into rehearsals-land, which, despite the show not opening till April, I have several times a week.

On the other side of the theatre spectrum, I am not just occupied here at GW. I was and am a professional playwright back in home, sweet, home New York, and did not leave that life entirely behind me once I came to school. Back at home, my original musical "6" that I co-wrote with a fellow Long Island-er is opening for a mainstage production the first two weekends at March. So, while I should have a day off for President's Day weekend, I'm shipping back up to New York to meet my cast and sit in on rehearsals, and then am heading back again to be there for hell week and opening. Going to be in New York in early March, or just interested? Here's a link to the center:

Back here at GDub, tour season is picking up, and we're getting our numbers back in the hundreds again, though I have to play a bit of musical tours with my hectic schedule. I'm also going through interviews for a job at admissions, which has kept me occupied as well. Not to mention my schoolwork (can't forget that now, can we?) - it's a bit of a juggling show here.

Despite the few hours I have to myself, I find myself in a nice routine of class, meals with friends, daily gym workouts, and rehearsals in the evening. I'll be the first to say that I love having somewhere to be at all hours of the day, which seems to be a quality of a lot of the student population here. My advice to you? Keep yourself busy to keep yourself feeling purposeful, but don't overfill your plate. As for me? Let's see how I manage between the school-rehearsals-"6"-work circus. Equally as involved, or interested in how to become so? Emails are always welcome:

See you around campus,
Gina Michele

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