Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Playing Catch-Up

I'm not exactly sure why I've been so bad at posting lately, I'm just finding myself busier than ever and unable to think of anything to write about!  I was really busy last semester as well, but things were going on I guess.  I had things to talk about!!!  Now, I'm following just about the same routine and life is rather uneventful...

So I'm gonna give you, my faithful readers, a run-down of the few events that have happened of late:

Well, Spring break happened.  I went home, and while it was pretty monotonous, it was nice and restful.  I walked my dog twice a day, I made dinner for my parents every night, and I went to my little cousin's Sweet Sixteen!  So that was nice--being back is a bit rough, even though I did get some solid work done over my week off!

Since then, nothing monumental, really.  Before break was an absolute hell week, I had so many papers and a few tests AND a French presentation!  (Get excited for college though, really!  It's not all work and toil!)

Sorry if this isn't interesting, I just feel really guilty for not having written in a while!  Now that it's tourist season and the weather's getting nicer, I'm going to allow myself to get out more, and I'll surely update you on my DC goings-on!

Email with any and all questions, please!

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