Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Happy Easter!

I hope all of you had a wonderful Easter with family and friends this past weekend! I did for sure. My weekend started off with our GW Spring Invitational Volleyball Tournament, playing Virginia, Morgan State, George Mason, and Christopher Newport. Overall, we finished with a 7-3 record for the day. It was a pretty good starting point for our spring season competition, but as always, there is always room for improvement, which is exactly what my team and I will be doing for the remaining month before summer. This upcoming weekend, we will be playing in a tournament at Maryland, so if you are in the area on Saturday, come watch us compete!

As for Sunday, since my parents and younger sisters were in town visiting, they all came over to my dorm and my mom cooked a fantastic Easter dinner, complete with ham, sweet potatoes, asparagus, rolls, cheesecake, and vegetables. Besides our family, my sister and I invited some of our friends to enjoy the holiday and good food with us, so it turned out to be a fairly large party, but there was plenty of food. In fact, I will be having ham as leftovers for the next week.
my former roommate and I sporting our bunny ears

In keeping with another Easter tradition, one of my roommates and I dyed Easter eggs on Friday and in my opinion, they turned out pretty well. Last year, we forgot the vinegar and they did not turn out quite so well, but this year we learned our lesson and made sure to remember that important ingredient.
the finished product

Well, it’s time for bed for me since as always, I have to wake up early for practice in the morning.

Feel free to email me with any questions! cbgraf@gwmail.gwu.edu


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