Monday, August 8, 2011

Freshman Recipe Book: Scrambled Eggs (with fixins!)

Hey all!

If you are a returning reader and kept up at all with my Freshman Recipe Book, I've got another one for you to try!

I recently learned that not only can you poach eggs in the microwave, but you can scramble them, apparently!  It's not the same as on a stove, but it's still not bad, and it adds some variety to your diet.  I've poached for ages but I will definitely add this to my repertoire!

So here's what you need:

2 eggs
1 tablespoon water or milk
1 tablespoon butter (or cooking spray, like PAM)
Grated cheese to taste
Other fixins, such as sliced ham, mushroom, onion, bell pepper, or bacon, to your liking!

Hopefully you already have:

Salt and pepper (to taste), a microwave safe bowl, fork.

Start by spraying or greasing your bowl with butter, so the eggs don't stick.  This part's crucial because egg is sooooo hard to clean.  Whisk your eggs and milk together in the prepared bowl, and add any extras you'd like.

Cook the mixture in the microwave for 30 seconds, then mix the eggs and things up a bit so they cook evenly.  From there, cook at 10 second intervals, mixing between, until the egg is no longer runny and everything is cooked and well incorporated. (about 30-40 more seconds, combined, should do the trick!)

Add salt and pepper to your liking, and serve!

Depending on your tastes, you may like this better than pan-scrambled eggs, because it's lighter and has a different consistency.  It definitely won't taste exactly the same, but it's a pretty good dorm-able option, if you ask me!

Like my recipes?  Or don't?  Email me,

<3 Shireen

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