Thursday, October 14, 2010

That little slice of hell known as midterms

Yep.  It's that dreaded time of year again.  It's a time to sit and really think about what matters--SURVIVAL.

To me, midterms are even worse than finals.  While more is riding on finals (usually), you have the impending sweet release of winter/summer break after final exams.  After midterms... it's just more work!  And usually worse work!

Here's my deal:  I hate exams in general.  I would take 5 papers over one test ANY DAY.  You can probably tell because I do this, but I love to write.  However--asking me to recall trivial or specific information at the drop of a hat?  No thanks.  I would much prefer to sit around for a few hours, hash it, re-hash it, print it out and mark up the pages with a purple pen, then finally crank out a solid essay.

But I won't bore you with my rant about hating exams.  Instead, I will explore the positive aspects of midterm season!  Yes, they do exist.

1)  Halloween is soon!  Fun for everyone!
2)  The Rally to Restore Sanity/March to Keep Fear Alive is soon-ER!  So exciting.
3)  Barack Obama was here on Tuesday!  Yeah, I know he lives a few blocks away, but everyone still goes crazy when he's on campus.
4)  I saw Transformers 3 being filmed yesterday!  I didn't even seek it out, we just stumbled upon it, really.  I saw Louis Stevens!  (Shia Labeouf... on Even Stevens... Remember?!?)
5)  It's autumn!  My favorite season.  I love the colors and the crisp air, it's just gorgeous.

Those are really the only plusses i can think of, at least for now.  But it's helping me get through the grueling work!

I love emails!  They help me procrastinate!


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