Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Another Conference, Hopefully You're Not Tired of All These--I know I'm not!

I seem to be going to a conference a week for work, and it's awesome!  Today's was about Islamic Finance law and policy, and it took place in the GW law school, so I didn't have to go far, which was nice!  Also, it was catered by corner bakery, which I love!  I had to fight myself not to grab like, 18 sugar cookies.

But back to the conference:  I met a lot of fancy people, most of which traveled rather far to attend.  And I swapped business cards with people!  Yay for networking!  It would be a lot more helpful if I was actually a business-inclined person, but hey, why not?  They were all talking about finance and risk-sharing and more business jargon and so much of it went over my head.  Then they got to the Islam side and I totally knew what they were talking about--finally.

The deal with Islamic Finance, in layman's terms, is that asking for or paying interest is against Shari'a law.  It's also not kosher in Talmudic tradition and in Christian teachings.  (haha didn't even mean to pun "not kosher"... I say that a lot).  SO these companies and organizations have to find ways around loans, mortgages, and other finance stuff that doesn't deal in interest.  And that was really interesting!  Actually!  Even when they started talking dollars and cents and using business talk!

So while this isn't my principle interest in life, it definitely broadened my horizons and opened up a lot of new opportunities for me!  It's something I'd definitely like to learn more about and do some of my own research on.

Send an email with whatever you'd like!

<3 Shireen

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