Monday, October 26, 2009

Here, There, Everywhere

Hey everyone! Isn't it funny how Jamie went home last weekend and I went home this past weekend as well! I took the Washington Deluxe bus (more convenient drop off location for me) home to NY where my parents picked me up and drove me back to new jersey where I live. I was able to get my winter jackets and stuff because the weather has been a lot cooler and I don't want to be without a good winter jacket! I was sick with a cold last week that luckily only lasted a few days! I did have to call out from work because of it but I rested and drank sooo many fluids that I got better almost immediately. :)

Work has been great. I absolutely love it. It's always fun to work for someone new and learn different things. They hired a few more people since the last time I told you about my job and it's been fun getting to know everyone. In fact, we had a team meeting this morning and everyone was there!

Unfortunately, over the weekend some friends of mine had a party that involved underage drinking. The party was "busted" by the University Police Department (UPD) and everyone involved was written up/given citations. Not a good situation to be in and something that has terrible consequences..both for the people throwing the party and for the people attending and involved in underage drinking. This is pretty common on campus but the UPD is definitely trying to put a stop to all of it. If you're going to drink, drink responsibly and don't get yourself into trouble! I know plenty of people that have had calls home to parents and/or have been suspended. Don't think it wont happen to you! I can assure you it can! I hope I'm not scaring anyone! I just don't think everyone thinks of the consequences all the time and it's better to be safe than sorry. It isn't fun to meet in front of a board of Student Judicial Services advisers to explain what happened. Not only that, but it's dangerous. .there have been cases of students being found with alcohol poisoning and some of these cases have led to serious health consequences.

On another scary note, a few people i know have been out sick because of....MONO. Mono is one thing that spreads like wildfire in college campuses. It's not "contagious" but it IS spread through saliva (particularly kissing) and is definitely NOT something you want to get in college. It makes you feel like you have the flu and you're tired ALL the time. It can get worse if left untreated! Be careful who you share your drinks with and who you kiss especially if they exhibit flu-like symptoms or have had mono before.

Just a heads up!

This is probably the strangest blog I have written but I only want to tell you guys about REALITY and things that DO happen. These are the kinds of things I never really thought about before coming to college and it might just help you to be informed.

On another note, I have two exams coming up =( I have one this friday and one next monday. I also have a lab (for psychology) final project where I have to run an experiment that I created on my laboratory class. It should be fun! I'm kind of curious as to what the results are going to look like. I will tell you more about it in a future blog.

I'll write a more POSITIVE and uplifting blog soon, I promise. Believe me...things are great and mono and parties getting busted are still pretty rare (which is why in my second year of blogging it's only been brought up once! :) ) I hope to tell you more about a student-alumni (Luther Rice Society) event I'll be attending in early November and about class registration, work, exams, and more. Stay tuned and thanks for checking out my post! =)


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