Thursday, October 15, 2009

Back into the Swing of Things...

Hello again!
Sorry it’s taken me a little while to get back on here, this semester definitely had me hitting the ground running…. which is good and bad I guess. Let me catch you up!

I stayed in DC this summer, my first summer out here.

Fourth of July in DC... spectacular!

It was a lot of fun being here without the worry of classes and homework and papers and well, I think you get my drift :)

To keep busy, I interned at ATF
(Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives), 
ATF Headquarters

took a class at GW, worked at Colonial Connection (calling GW alumni), and somehow managed to have some fun.. like heading out to Wolf Trap,
Wolf Trap

an outdoor performing arts center in Virginia (which is Metro-accessible! yay!) to see the Steve Miller Band, which was awesome. Check out video of them performing one of my favorite songs at another venue this summer:

Like I said, school and classes are back in full swing, which is both good and bad. Classes are interesting so far, my residence hall is great (as are my roomies!), and my sister is a freshman at GW this year. Unfortunately, all those classes come with homework and papers and such. Not very fun, but I guess a necessary evil. Here’s something hilarious: GW put this video together of freshmen moving into Thurston Hall, the largest freshmen residence hall, hold approx. 1000 students… somehow all of them got all moved in in 30 seconds…. ?

Like I said, I’ve got a good load of classes this semester. Here’s the basic info… specifics to come later :)
Psych 154: Psychology of Crime and Violence
Examination of many psychological aspects of criminal behavior; personality of criminals and of psychological processes affecting behavior.
Soc: 101 Social Research Methods
Introduction to basic research methods in sociology. Topics include research design, sampling, measurement, and analysis of survey data via computer application.
Soc: 151 Jackie Robinson: Race, Sport, and the American Dream
How Jackie Robinson’s struggles and accomplishments can help in understanding current issues in race, sport, and U.S. society. The background leading to, and the impact emanating from, Robinson’s entry into major league baseball.
Hist 199W: 199 Thesis Seminar
A research paper is prepared using primary sources. Topic chosen by student.
Have a great rest of the week!


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