Thursday, October 15, 2009


AHHHHHHHHHHH ! kill me now! I have a paper due this week, an exam on friday, and two more exams this coming monday! This is why I haven’t been updating as much my dear readers! Believe me, all the reading you will have will be a pain in the butt even in the first week (..month..) of school! It’s never-ending and you will neverrrrrr feel caught up! That’s not to scare you, though. I have had my share of fun and work has been fabulous! I absolutely love it. I even got to help out at one of the alumni events on the hill and have dinner with the “team” at Old Ebbitt Grill (near the white house).
On another note, today I ran into an old professor of mine. Actually, i was in such a hurry to get to class that I didn’t even notice her until I heard a familiar voice saying “Chanelle!”. I looked up and it was my old Creative Writing professor. I was really happy that she noticed/recognized me and she seemed genuinely interested in how my semester was going. It kind of made my day. It’s not often that a professor will remember your name (and face)! It’s a large student population here, know what i mean? :)
I don’t know if i told you guys but for those of you that are new here my brother ended up not choosing GW (made me sad :[[ ) and instead he is going to Brigham Young University-Hawaii. He is LOVING it over there. I was pretty disappointed that he didn’t choose GW but I’m glad he’s having a good time in Hawaii. I want to visit him during spring break! I’ve never been there. Maybe my little sister will come to GW. What do you think? :) She still has quite a few years before she’s even in high school haha but you never know!
This weekend is Alumni Weekend. I’m not sure if I will be helping out with that or not but there are some really cool events going down! I definitely want to stop by at least one and tell you guys about it. =)
As always if you have any questions drop me an email at . I promise I’ll get back to you!
Now Back to studying but stay tuned! I will tell you how my exams go (ughhhHhHh). 

- C h a n e l l e

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