Thursday, October 15, 2009

A Note on Blogging

Hey everyone! Sorry for the recent hiatus. It is spring in Sydney and that means spring break time! I just got back from paradise on Earth at Fraser Island and the Whitsundays yesterday, so I am still getting back into the swing of school and my normal routine.
I want to share this —>New York Times<--- article with you. It is about how college admissions offices are using blogs more than ever, focusing on the MIT blog. GW has had blogs for 4 years now, and this is my 3rd year blogging. The idea behind blogging for admissions is to make sure perspective students can get a real inside look at what is going on at the universities. I know you all look at those college brochures and think "wow that is really posed." And let me tell you, it is.
I, however, am not. There is an admissions director in charge of the blogs, but he usually just checks up on us to make sure we are fulfilling our commitments and makes the occasional styling comment. I have freedom to write about anything and everything I want, good and bad. And if you look back into my blog archive you will see that I don't always rave about GW.
I am a real person with complaints and criticisms of where I go to school. No place is perfect, and through these blogs I am able to show you that there is more to GW that a group of best friends laughing outside in Kogan Plaza.
I would suggest that you check out all of the admission websites for your potential schools. A lot of them have blogs and I am sure you can find out a lot about them through that.
At this point I would usually share a link to this blog, but you have already found your way here so I think that is a bit redundant.
Have a great week everyone and I will be back soon to share pictures from my trip!


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