Sunday, May 2, 2010

Q and A

Hi guys,

Instead of studying for my psychology test, I will also weigh in on the question we received. As a student about to graduate in two weeks (ah!!), it seems like I can only see the good things about the University right now, so I'll start with the things I like.

1. City/Campus/Classroom
GW promotes a learning style that uses the city and other outside resources. I really enjoy using things like the National Zoo, NASA, the National Mall, and Nationals Park as tools for expanding our understanding of concepts to reach outside of text books. This active approach to learning may not be attractive to everyone but I find it very appealing and I think it helps to produce not only quality but also unique scholarly work as well as education.

2. Faculty
To echo Adam's point, GW attracts some of the best and brightest faculty. I can't speak for every department, but I know for the professors I've had in subjects like astronomy and psychology they have been extremely dedicated to their students and knowledgeable in their fields. These professors also happened to work full time as well. One of our biggest strengths lies in our adjunct faculty. They are able to bring real world experience from their professional background into the classroom, and while it may seem hard to understand how they have the time to teach a class as well, these professors love to teach. Our full time faculty is also fantastic. The professors in American Studies are especially great--not only are they always available to talk, but they are all brilliant and amazingly helpful.

3. Extracurriculars.
The amount of student organizations to get involved in can be overwhelming. There are so many to choose from, which makes continuing with an activity easy but picking up new ones is easy too! We have tons of sports at various levels, political organizations, community service organizations, issue groups, and so many more.

I honestly cannot think of more than one thing I really don't like about GW. So here's my least favorite thing:

Sometime it feels like people try to do too many things. Students here are all very involved with various activities, jobs, and school so it can be easy to get overwhelmed. I think there is also sometimes a pressure for people to get all these internships and take advantage of opportunities, which students should absolutely do, but it is easy for people to lose perspective. We are in college and we're here to learn and have fun. If that means not having an internship for a semester and to just focus on school, that's okay. I wish more people would take a step back and realize the value in just being a college student.

Hope this helps!


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