Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Bariloche, Argentina

While Pucon was beautifully diverse in its eating culture, nothing prepared us for the shock of Bariloche, Argentina. After hopping over the border by bus and eating delicious trout for lunch on the way, we finally arrived in Bariloche, the chocolate and ski capital of Western Argentina. The purpose of the trip was to interact with Argentinean Mapuches and talk about issues of nationality and identity, which would have been amazingly interesting had we been able to. There were issues due to the erupting volcano further south and the lecturers were not able to make it to Bariloche.
Rapanui Chocolates
While this was disappointing for everyone, we had the day free instead to wander around the street of chocolate and taste and indulge in every possible combination of chocolate. I bought a few key treasures- including chocolate covered raspberries (!!!) and orange peels, but those were saved for later since each store gives you a sample and I was already overwhelmed by the time we finished our rounds. It was a fun and relaxing two days in Argentina, but I would have preferred having more time there to soak in Argentinean culture, the accent, and more of the food. I did have a signature Argentinean steak, a cut called bife de chorizo, and it was delicious! 
Chocolate stores galore
The cathedral we saw, but since it's almost summer there was no snow!

I hope to be back in Argentina someday… I don’t think I did the country justice.
- Marisa

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