Monday, February 27, 2012

Another night in Gelman Library

Hi readers,

It's that time again. Midterms. For the first time since last spring (almost an entire year), I am having to study really difficult topics again. While my study abroad program was rigorous in a lot of ways, we never had tests that took up a large percentage of my grade and my grade didn't even matter as long as I passed the class (a benefit of non-GW study abroad programs is that the grade won't transfer.. so don't worry if you end up with a B!! Truthfully, you'll end up with As though if it's a topic you show interest in).

Today, I took my public health midterm and tomorrow night I have my development politics midterm and a geography quiz. By Friday, I have an economics problem set due. Next week, I have an economics midterm and a oral presentation in English. I've booked study rooms in Gelman library for practically the whole weekend and I'm ready to roll.
Gelman library booking system- red times are booked rooms
I just need the motivation. The motivation to get good grades is there, and a lot of this material is interesting- it's just difficult to come back from study abroad and feel at home again at GW with taking 5 classes, interning, volunteering, and having a social life. I'm really excited for this summer when I'll be interning (hopefully) and volunteering teaching ESL classes.

More about that later when I have more time. Hope everyone is doing well!
- Marisa

1 comment:

  1. The scheduling looks like a DNA sequencing gel
