Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Social Network

Hi everyone!

Apologies for my blogging hiatus! There's so much to catch up on since my return to GWU from my year-long study abroad experience in London...so expect several updates coming your way by the end of this week!

Where there are a number of topics I want to cover for the next month or so; today I want to primarily blog about social networking and leveraging your own talents! Specifically, the film "The Social Network," which details the development and litigation actions after its launch. I won tickets to the advanced screening of the movie (comes out October 1st) through College Magazine (a tri-state college magazine) and had thoroughly great time. The film is raw and dark, but there were definitely moments of comic relief of which, as college students, can relate.

It's funny how Mark Zuckerberg (Founder of Facebook) was able to launch such a massive social networking tool from his Harvard dorm room. The viral growth of the site and company was unforeseeable and it's absurd to think that just a few people were able to launch such a disruptive, niche product.

While the creators of Facebook might have been from Harvard and had an incredible family pedigree, it is not to say that students from across the country are not launching or developing innovative ideas. Zuckerberg became so successful because he monopolized and leveraged his talent of coding/computer programming. I have several friends who have created small start-ups and micro-financing organizations because they determined doing "xyz" was their passion. While not everyone can develop a massive product like Facebook, we can most certainly try to create something that can positively impact the communities which we care about.

Tom Braslavsky of the GW Hatchet (campus newspaper) also gives a fresh account of how Facebook has become an inherent aspect of our lives: Tom Braslavsky: Facebook down, college students out? - Opinions

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