Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Intriguing Classes

Hello all! So I finally have my class schedule figured out and finalized for this semester. And in my opinion, it looks pretty awesome. This is what I'll be learning for the next 3.5 months:

Techniques of Data Analysis: This class is the 2nd portion of the Social Research Methods course that I took last semester and is required for my Criminal Justice major. Last semester was all about the theories and overarching principles involved in social research, while this semester relies much more heavily on statistics, or the mathematical data retrieved from research.

Intro to Forensic Sciences: I am very excited for this class that counts towards Criminal Justice. It is all about how science relates to criminal justice and soling crimes. According to the syllabus, we are covering topics such as the “analysis of drugs, forensic toxicology, forensic pathology, forms of trace evidence, identification of biological fluids, and personal identification.” We also have to write a term paper comparing two methods that perform the same function, such as identification tests. I foresee myself looking forward to this class every week.

Psychology Research Methods: This is the Psychology equivalent to the Social Research Methods class from last semester and counts towards my Psychology major (I just recently decided to change my Psychology minor into a major, causing me to double major in Criminal Justice and Psychology). It will discuss issues such as research directions, data collection techniques, and ethical issues from a psycholgist's perspectives.

Federal Criminal Justice Systems: This is the other class this semester that I am really excited to take. I have taken a class with the same professor previously (last year I took Criminology with him) and learned a lot. This also counts towards my Criminal Justice requirements and will cover topics such as policy making in the criminal justice system and the role of law enforcement. It should be interesting as we have to visit the U.S. District Court here in D.C. and write a term paper about the experience.

Hope you are all enjoying the beginning of the semester and are back in the swing of classes again after break!

Feel free to email me with any questions:


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