Wednesday, January 26, 2011

It's Snowtime

So here we go! All classes after 4:30 today were put off to let professors escape D.C. We're experiencing fairly heavy snow and sleet now so the roads will be in poor condition before long, and I think--without, I should add, the slightest bit of self-interest--the university administration did the responsible thing by letting our teachers leave before the commute home became too dangerous.

So I was wondering: what oft-neglected tasks can I seize on this opportunity to do?
Here are my answers:

1. Laundry: It takes a lot to get me to do mine. Namely, it takes an excessively large pile. My residence hall, Ivory Tower, has a pretty decent number of washer/ dryer units. Still, it's always good to get that done when possible.

2. Get to the gym: It's still January, which means that by and large the whole New Year's Resolution enterprise still has some life left in it. (Not me, I go all year. It's the crowds that make it tougher to handle sometimes.)

3. Follow up on emails: one thing you'll learn from being a part of student organizations is that these pile up, real fast. If you don't stay on top of them, they'll stay on top of you. My defense-policy group has a major event coming up on Saturday, so that only makes this problem worse... more on that later, though.

4. Sleep: I often tell people at home that the curse of human life in school is sleep, and sometimes to sleep well; but never well enough. The problem with this is that even when something like a (potential) snow day rolls along, your routine may prevent you from taking full, somnolent advantage of it.

Anyway, more tomorrow from the productivity side if we have a snow day!


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