Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Freshman Return

What a strange feeling it is to be back on the GW campus! I hope you all had some phenomenal time off, for my fellow GW students. I know my break was the perfect chance to recharge for this semester. I'm still not over the fact that I am now a second semester freshman, though. Can't get that through my head.

First off, congratulations for getting your applications in! Admissions is hard at work until April with what you've sent in. You're one step closer to joining the Buff and Blue!

What can I say but that I am so happy to be back on campus. I am already off to a really phenomenal semester. I've gone to all five of my classes, and can say honestly that I love every one. This semester, I'm taking Abnormal Psych - which is what I plan to go into as a career - Astronomy 2, Italian 9, Intro to Brit Lit and University Writing; The End: Writing About Death, Dying and the Dead - a class I tried to beg and barter my way into since July. The last one is by far my favorite. For those of you who don't know about the University Writing requirement here at GW, don't fear: I plan on doing another post this week about GCRs and all that good stuff that you have to start thinking about, now that you'll soon be deciding on where you want to go to school! Everyone can tell you about that one totally inspiring class that made their year, and I'm pretty that this semester has mine.

Why else is it great to be back on campus? Well, we've all come back with new resolutions for ourselves. My friends and I are all on a healthier living kick. We all came from backgrounds of a lot of exercising and healthy eating, but after a successful semester of NOT GAINING THE FRESHMAN FIFTEEN! :), we decided to make a more concrete plan. So, we're on to healthier eating - like fruit for breakfast, sushi or salads for lunch, salads and protein for dinner - and a workout schedule everyday. What I love about living in West Hall here on the Vern is that I have both a dining hall and a gym in my dorm, so it makes resolutions like these a lot easier to uphold. If you find yourself back for second semester without any direction, pick out a goal for yourself. It'll force you to have some followthrough, and probably will better yourself in the process.

The other tremendous part about returning to campus is the return to campus life. I've been at meetings all week for my different commitments here on campus and have been reminded of how much I love the things I do. I've been at body meetings for the Student Theatre organizations and have auditions tomorrow and Sunday, and I absolutely cannot wait to start up rehearsals for a new production. I have friends in productions opening as early as next weekend, and we're all going to be out to support the improv group receSs in their Welcome Back show in the next few weeks. We've had our monthly STAR meeting and are preparing for the massive hoards of you coming in the next few months, and I go back to giving regular tours tomorrow at 11 AM. I'm embarrassed to admit it, but I am totally nervous - not only have I not given a tour in a month, but it's freezing here in DC and I am totally ill-equipped for the cold. If any of you are making a trip down here, be sure to go to the 11 AM Thursday Foggy Bottom tour and introduce yourselves. We love to hear from you. :)

Great things are coming up on campus, academically and socially, and it feels like such a reward to be back to this phenomenal place. We've been getting great emails from you readers, so keep them coming as we begin to address your greater concerns. This week, I'm going to try to get together some photos of the interiors of freshman dorming, so you can see what your options really look like. Anything else you'd like to hear the freshman perspective on? Shoot me an email at My interactions with readers through email and even through larger networks like Facebook have been great so far!

I can't wait to tell you all more about life on campus as things start picking up. Welcome back!

See you on campus,
Gina Michele

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