Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Lesson #011: Your GPS will "guide" you through.

Unlike his GPS, your GPS at GW will lead you in the right direction.

Lesson #011: Your GPS will "guide" you through.

Pop quiz, readers! Ding! Corny game-show host voice:

“WHAT is a GPS? Is it…

a. A global positioning system device used to prevent you from getting lost on the road.
b. The stock symbol for The Gap, Inc.
c. German Potato Salad
d. Your Guide to Personal Success!"

… The correct answer is D! At GW, GPS is short for Guide to Personal Success (@GWUGPS) and there are dozens of them with the goal of smoothing your transition to GW your freshman year. Basically, they are students and staff who, kind of like a GPS in your car, want to help you navigate your way through campus life and the GW community, in regard to any needs at all, whether personal or professional.
With the rest of the Office of Parent Services and beside my freshman year GPS guide Rodney Johnson! In the Fall of sophomore year, I began working in his office, after getting to know him and the rest of the staff.
My GPS guide freshman year was Rodney Johnson, the Executive Director of the Office of Parent Services. He was there for me freshman year and reached out to me, even as I sought help in locating the resources I had available to me. One of my friends, Liz (who is an awesome GW STAR tour guide during the academic year!), has President Steven Knapp as her GPS and, not too long ago, I had the chance to interact with Danielle Toglia, the Regional Director for GW Admissions in New Jersey. All are incredible mentors and aid you in getting the most out of your experience at GDub.

As I just found out yesterday, I have the honor of being a GPS guide for the 2012-2013 academic year. It’s truly important to me to lend to someone else the help I had getting to this point at GW. I’ve had help along the way from various staff members and administrators, whether in big ways or small ways, so it is important to me to pass that on. I’d guess that a lot of GPS guides feel the same way. We’re here to help however we can, especially since we’ve received that help along the way and are looking to give back—so that the legacy of extending a helping hand lives on. After all, we all need somebody to lean on, at least once in a while.

Coming to GW (or any university, really) can feel like going from a tiny fishbowl to a big pond. You get there and, immediately, surrounded by all of the novelty, try to take it all in. It takes a while to adapt and see that it really isn’t all that big. GPS guides aid you in finding the path through that transition. Anyone can use one.

To request a GPS guide, visit to learn more and email Who knows, Class of 2016? Your guide can very well be me, a former Cabinet member, a rad staff member, or an exciting new mentor! The possibilities are endless. Be sure to sign-up and let your GPS lead the way.

Stay Spirited,


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