Friday, February 25, 2011

4 Year Plan? Not So Much.

I recently decided after a grrrrrrrrrreat deal of deliberation that I will be graduating from GW a semester early.  If I weren't double-minoring, I could have done a year, but I don't even know if I'd be able to handle that!  I need my easy breezy college time to last before I propel myself into the real world!

So my expected date of graduation is December 2012.  Woo exciting!

But with that date kinda coming around the corner, there's a lot of stuff I need to think about!  I'm an avid re-planner of my 4 year plan, which is now a 3-1/2 year plan, and I think I FINALLY covered all my bases.  I've accounted for courses that double-count, I've secured my foreign language requirements, and I've even made the space for my math/science classes (eek!).

On top of that, where am I going to live senior year?  Since I'll only be taking classes half the year, should I get an apartment?  I realize I have a year to figure all that out, but it still crosses my mind rather often nonetheless!

The other thing is, in order to dock a semester off my 4 year plan, I had to forego study abroad :(  --it was a tough decision, especially since I had known which program I wanted to do for a long time and I've been looking forward to study abroad since middle school, but in the end I think I'm making the right decision for my future.  Especially since my parents agreed that because I'm saving them a semester's tuition by graduating early, they'll send me somewhere awesome for a few months next summer.

Expect more of my internal trials and tribulations as I move closer and closer to my halfway done with college mark!  It's this coming Tuesday!!!

I haven't gotten emails in a while.  Be the one to change that!

Love, peace, and hair grease!

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