Tuesday, December 7, 2010

A Not-so-typical Tuesday

Today is GW's one make up day for fall semester 2010. Unlike normal Tuesdays, I have 4 out of 5 of my classes since each of them have missed a class at some point during the semester. This is an unusual schedule for a make up day because usually the make up day comes right before a reading day, so this is strange.

7:20 AM Wake up
8 AM-9:15 AM Comparative Politics in Monroe Hall
9:35 AM-10:50 AM Biology in the Elliott School
11 AM Break, English homework
12:45-2 PM Black American Literature in Rome Hall
2:20-3:35 PM Chemistry in Corcoran Hall
4 PM Break, Chemistry studying
5 PM Coffee with a friend from a student organization
6 PM Dinner at J Street most likely
7 PM Speed Interview Night with my professional sorority
9 PM Studying, relaxing
12 AM To bed!

Hope that gives you an idea of my normal schedule but also that today is super crazy since I have a bunch of classes!! Hope you all are doing well. Let me know if you are curious about anything else on campus! marisaw@gwmail.gwu.edu
- Marisa

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