Sunday, December 5, 2010

Blogging Hiatus--Career Services

Apologies for my hiatus and neglect towards blogging. Throughout this semester I have been thrown into the process of on-campus recruiting to secure a job post-graduation. I am happy to report that I will be working in New York City after graduation in the financial services industry. The last two months has been an arduous and often disheartening process--perhaps similar to what many of you are experiencing as you apply to college. Whether it be researching a firm, going through first, second, or third rounds of interviews, or receiving a congratulatory or rejection email, it has been a humbling and introspective journey.

I would not have been able to successfully complete the process were it not for the GW School of Business Career Center. Many students often overlook the importance of an institution's career center when applying to college because quite frankly, everyone's concerned with larger topics, such as academic programs, housing, food options, etc since the job will "come" once all of the above are in place. Instead, I urge many of you to closely examine the Career Services at any institution. What sort of offerings do they provide? How do they prep students for interviews? How do they help students obtain internships? What sorts of firms recruit at the school? What types of jobs do graduating students have? For example, recruiters that come GWU look for students who are interested in working for the federal government, think tanks, non-profits, etc. Thus, it may be more difficult to obtain an internship or job in banking on Wall Street or commercial consulting in Boston. Again, while this topic may not be at the forefront of your priority list now, it is worth researching in determining what you want to see yourself doing 5 years.

Below are links to GW's Career Services
GWU Career Services
GW School of Business Career Services


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