Sunday, December 19, 2010

Building JJ, In All Its Glory

Like I have previously blogged, Building JJ is the eco-friendly dorm on campus that houses the green living and learning cohorts [see my blog links for descriptions of Building JJ and of LLCs!]. But lately, we have been surprised by some unexpected visitors who are not paying their rent…

JJ is so environmentally friendly that Foggy Bottom rodents have chosen it as their preferred residence hall! Woohooo! Okay, but in all seriousness, Building JJ has something of an insane mouse population that has come about due to the demolition of a building on G Street. They needed a new home, and I guess we looked welcoming. Think again!

Building JJ is now in a FixIt “state of emergency” over break, so facilities staff will be working on sealing up the holes where the mice are able to get in and find the little guys who have been surprising us every so often with a few droppings or a visit. While I haven’t spotted one yet, my friend Emma down the hall had the luxury of seeing one peep out of the top of her boot! Gross! Thankfully GW is acting fast on this issue and when we come back from break, our friendly mouse population will have most likely disappeared. At least it’s better than some of the rats that show up at night on campus. I’m not trying to freak people out, because what else do you expect in a big city? They can’t go live in the forest, unfortunately.

- Marisa

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