It's been awhile and I apologize for not blogging about all the crazy weather, but everyone seems to be covering it quite nicely! The pics and videos are really great and capture the insanity that was this past week very well. Having an entire week off from school (essentially) as a second semester senior could not have been better planned! It seemed weird that I had more time but got less accomplished but that's okay with me. It will be back to the grind on Tuesday, but for now, I want to enjoy my weekend!
Let me first say that last weekend will be hard to beat. It began snowing on Friday, and a bunch of my friends and I went to Chinatown for dinner at a restaurant called Matchbox. They are famous for delicious thin crust brick oven pizza, and let me tell you it was fantastic! We went all out with dessert and wine too! After our meal, we went to see Dear John (see picture right). I'll spare you my detailed review of the film, but I must say it was pretty terrible. Afterward, a few of our friends slept over our apartment. We woke up and made a big breakfast and, of course, played in the snow! We walked through campus and down to the National Mall to check out the city. It was still snowing when we left the Mall around 5 to head back to campus. Our friends came over later and we all hung out until the wee hours of the morning, and of course, people slept in our apartment again. We made another huge breakfast--pancakes, fruit salad, eggs, hash browns, juice-- and watched a movie before heading over to a friend's Superbowl party. The game was so exciting, and the right team won so we were all so happy! (check out Saints quarterback Drew Brees with his wife and cute baby son below) There was a ton of food and fun at the party and we all left in high spirits, especially because classes were canceled for the next day. Once we got hit with the next snow storm on Tuesday night into Wednesday, we knew we weren't having classes until at least Thursday. We all slept in and relaxed until the epic snowball fight on Wednesday night! Last night, my friend and I went to the Kennedy Center to see the National Symphony Orchestra Pops concert where they played selections from the Nutcracker, winter carols and film scores by John Williams--tickets were only $15! Today classes were resumed but I don't have Friday classes so it was like another day off for me.
Tonight, of course, as Matt has been telling us, are the opening ceremonies of the Winter Olympics in Vancouver. My friends and I will be watching, and since it's my friends birthday we'll celebrate with her later tonight. Tomorrow I will actually have to get some work done, but I'm also going to go shopping to Pentagon City, which is the closest mall to GW. It's right on the Metro so it's really easy to get to and it's technically in Virginia which means you don't have to pay DC sales tax! On Saturday night my friend is having a mock-Olympic games in his apartment, complete with medals and all. My friends and I are representing Norway, so we're going to dress up in furry hats, boots and flannel to show our national pride. For Valentine's Day, we are going to head to the Rock 'n Roll Hotel's party over in the H Street neighborhood in Northeast DC. We have off on Monday so hopefully I'll be able to get some work done and relax before going back to the real world on Tuesday. This has been such a memorable week, and while it will be nice to get back into the swing of things, I will miss having so much time to spend with my friends and enjoying the city!
Have a good weekend everyone!
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